Wild Fire




It has happened again.

Fire has ravaged our lives. I am reposting a piece that I wrote a few years back. The truth is still true and I have found the value of having a firm place to stand and that, I am thankful for.

The smell of smoke lingers in the air this morning.

It’s fire season in California. Of all the threats of natural disasters we face in our state, wild fire is one of the worst. At the moment, there are several burning. Destroyer of landscape, property, and lives, it is a reminder of how precarious life can be.

A few years back, while traveling one of the wilderness parks in our area, I saw firsthand the destruction forest fire can have. One moment we were enjoying the views of a lush green vegetation and then, just around a bend in the road, the stark reality of a devastating inferno came into view. Where there had been life now only barrenness remained. What took decades or perhaps even centuries to create, fire had taken its toll in just minutes.

As I gazed out over the terrain, I was struck by the form of the bare land. Its structure had been revealed because the vegetation had been burned away. All the hills and valleys were in full view. The large rocks and the solid earth which could not be destroyed by the flames remained sound.

Life also has a way of catching fire.

We strive to create an environment of beauty, happiness and success. All is going well, then flames seem to engulf everything. They storm across the landscape of our comfortable lifestyles taking with them the security we thought we possessed. Destruction and barrenness, disappointment and grief come. Breathing is difficult until the air clears. But it’s then, we see all is not lost. In fact, something has endured the flames.

The day my fire broke out didn’t actually come as a surprise. There had been signs that something was smoldering long before the flames came. I was having such a great time singing Kumbaya and roasting marshmallows, I just chose to ignore it. When the blaze finally erupted, it did its work quickly, destroying dreams and relationships in its path. The devastation seared my soul and left me choking on the smoke for months to come.

But what seemed complete destruction was not so. As I came out of the haze, I could see the foundation that God had built into the relationship He and I shared. He had laid the groundwork far in advance, so when disaster struck, there would be something left that was permanent and steady to stand on.

That’s exactly what I did. As I stood looking out over what had occurred, I realized the fire had given me a new vantage point. My perspective was changed. The things I believed to be a permanent landscape in my life were burned away but a truly constant and firm Presence remained. I could clearly see God’s unbelievable strength and compassion working in my situation.

As with all burn areas, things started to grow again. Life resumed. I recovered. It was during this time that I really turned to God’s word for strength. It watered the new growth that was occurring in my spirit. After a while, it was hard to tell a wild fire had ever burned through. The scars have slowly disappeared from sight as time has repaired the damage. But more importantly, my roots have grown deeper into God’s indestructible foundation.

I imagine there will come a day fire will burn through my life once again. It’s inevitable as the smell of smoke during the dry season in my part of the country. However, when it happens again, I will understand its value.


“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us hold on to grace. By it, we may serve God acceptably, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.”
Hebrews‬ ‭12‬:‭28-29‬ HCSB



The details are still unfolding on this latest “fire”. A beloved family member is experiencing a personal crisis that is taking its toll on everybody. Even though we would like to help put out the flames, we are left to watch and wait for the smoke to clear. We pray when that happens, we find that all of us have grown to rely on God much more.

10 Comments Add yours

  1. Praying for you during this season, dear friend.
    Thanks for the reminder of God’s love even in the midst of a “fire.”

    1. Patty Schell says:

      Thank you. I love that I can always count on your support.

  2. My heart has been broken by the devastation of these horrid fires in California, Patty, and am praying for all the victims and their families who are suffering so much at this time. I do hope their faith is as strong as yours was and is, because if we haven’t lost God, we haven’t lost everything, no matter what. New life will emerge in His time and place.
    Blessings to you!

    1. Patty Schell says:

      Thanks, Martha.

  3. mhibracing says:

    Praying for all of you, holding steadfast to God’s word and learning so much from your words of wisdom.

    1. Patty Schell says:

      Thanks for the prayers.

  4. Mary Langer Thompson says:

    So beautifully said, Patty. May you and the people of California experience healing and miracles through our personal and state fires.

    1. Patty Schell says:

      Thank you.

  5. Katherine Pasour says:

    We see the devastation of the wild fires on the news daily. It’s so hard to comprehend the tragedy, danger, and loss associated with this disaster. Praying for victims and their families.Your analogy of how “fire” can burst into our lives and bring devastation hits home. Thanks for the reminder that God is always with us–even when all seems lost.

    1. Patty Schell says:

      Thank you for stopping by to read. Keep watching for the new growth that comes after the fire.

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