Are You All In? Trusting God Completely

It was a long night spent sitting in cramped quarters. What was I thinking? About half way in, I began to think my traveling days were over. I reached my limit of “discomfort by choice.” And then there was a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. The Hours to Arrival ticked down and anticipation of reaching my destination began to build.  You see, I got on this plane because I believed it would transport me to the place I wanted to go and even in the midst of exhaustion brought on by a long flight, a sleepless night and thoughts of “Are we there yet?” I never lost faith that I would eventually find my way to the Arrival Gate.

What is your definition of faith? Webster’s defines faith as:

a firm belief in something for which there is no proof


something that is believed with a strong conviction.

It is something believed but not only that. Webster uses words in this definition such as firm, complete, strong when it comes to that belief.

In air travel you cannot “sort of” get on the plane. One foot on land with the other in the air is just not going to work. You have to get completely on the aircraft to reach your destination. That is also the way with faith. You have to be ‘all in’ to get where arrive at the place God is taking you.

There is, however, an element of faith that is also a continuous journey. When flying, there are always a few fellow passengers wrought with anxiety. They believe with certainty that this time may just be the time they will crash and burn. They pace the aisles or pop a sleeping pill just to get through. This may not be too far from the truth in how we treat our own lives. We get up each morning and tentatively set our feet in route to see if God’s promises still apply to today’s set of problems and worries. We struggle with the pain and discomfort as we wonder if this part of this trip through life will ever end. And then, as promised we see the glimmer of hope that God is indeed delivering us safely to our appointed destination.

I think that destination just might be a complete faith; one that firmly, completely and with strong conviction puts our confidence in God’s word and his ways. I believe God is developing in us a habit in which we trust him on everything. He proves Himself over and over that there is nothing outside his power to bring the best possible outcome in us. As we go, we develop more and more assurance in Him with a confidence that He will do He says he can do. Each day that we plant our both feet firmly in that confidence brings us closer to arriving at Complete Faith.

In Romans 4:18-23, Abraham is described with the words “against all hope…he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had the power to do what he had promised.”

It goes on to say, “This is why ‘it was credited to him righteousness.”  These words ‘it was credited to him righteousness’ were not written for him alone, but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness–for us who believe in him…” [Emphasis added.]

Righteousness. Now, that’s a pretty great perk. Let your faith grow. Be “all in” when it comes to trusting the Lord. You do not want to miss out on what God has for you.

As for me and future travel? I will continue. Living would not be as satisfying if not for the lessons God teaches through the sights and sounds of this great excursion called life.

 The Lord will indeed give what is good…” Psalms 85:12

You count on it!


6 Comments Add yours

  1. We definitely have to be “all in” when it comes to faith in God. He will be true to His promises!
    Blessings, Patty!

    1. Patty Schell says:

      I keep having this picture of someone with one foot on the earth and the other in the air being pulled apart. Ouch! That would not work out very well. And the pain of it all! I sticking with God. He has the best adventures.

      Thanks for coming by. Always a pleasure to ‘see’ you.

  2. Jeanne Doyon says:

    Great word for me, Patty. On this writing journey I often feel adrift…wondering whether anyone is reading. But the Lord has reminded me that my job is to be obedience along the journey and leave the results to Him. So, I am all in.

    1. Patty Schell says:

      I struggle with that too. Usually it happens when I shift my eyes to myself and off God who leads me. It doesn’t seem so hard when I realize that obedience is God’s love language. I love Him so I want to follow Him with an ‘all in’ heart so He’ll know it.

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

  3. What a great “all in” analogy. I enjoyed reading your post. Thanks.

  4. Wanda McClung says:

    Patty, I read your wonderful words of faith and I wonder and pray that my faith is strong enough to stay grounded through the “storms of this life we live. Of course without our wonderful savior who gave us His Holy Spirit where would I be. Love your Blogs, Wanda MC

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