When God Became Real


Now, the Word became flesh and took up residence among us.

John 1:14a

When I was a young woman, I walked away from the church. Maybe it was just the religious part of church I left behind. I just didn’t fit in. Where there should have been acceptance, I received rejection. Where I should have found encouragement, I found a bar set so high it was not only above my reach, it was far out of my sight. It was such a pity because I believed in God, yet I was left thinking Him too far away.

As you can imagine, life beyond the influence of regular input from God’s Word was precarious at best. I dabbled in risky behaviors of drugs, alcohol and sex. With the world as my guide, these things were not taboo. They were accepted—embraced even. Each step I took in the world’s direction distanced me a little farther from God. At least that’s what I thought.

A day did come when I wanted God back in my life.

There seemed to be a very quiet whispering in my soul that I hadn’t heard in a while. In hindsight, I know it was actually His voice I was hearing. I had just forgotten what He sounded like.

During that time, I found myself at a women’s retreat. I don’t remember many of the speaker’s words, but something she said ignited a desire within me to know the God who became man and dwelt among us. She was of Jewish heritage, so she knew what it was like to believe in God without actually knowing Him. It was the knowing part I was intrigued with. At some point she shared that meeting Him would involve a simple turning in His direction.

I remember the moment that I changed course so clearly. It was as if I was coming out of a cloud. As I turned, Jesus came into my full view. His presence took on form in my mind’s eye. I can’t really explain it all without sounding too far-fetched, but I could picture Him. I have to admit, He looked a lot like the Sunday school room picture I saw when I was a kid—beard, robes, sash and all. Regardless of the image I saw, it was the look of acceptance on His face that touched my heart the most. There I stood, covered with the marks of worldliness in His full view, and all I could see was love in his eyes. That’s it. He loved me just as I was at the moment.

What happened next was extraordinary.

It was as though He reached up and grabbed that bar that had been placed so high above my ability to achieve. He brought it down to a manageable level, took my hand and guided me across it. All I had to do was turn my eyes toward Him.

Religion gave way to relationship. Jesus moved into my life in a very tangible way bringing with Him a standard of living that elevated me. Acceptance and guidance brought a confidence that I had not experienced before. I cannot stress enough how my life is different. If you have never considered welcoming Jesus into your life perhaps you should give it some thought. There is nothing that isn’t made better by His presence.

We saw his glory – the glory of the one and only, full of grace and truth, who came from the Father.

John 1:14b

9 Comments Add yours

  1. Patty, thanks for sharing some of your testimony. It gives hope to those of us who are praying for loved ones to “come back to Jesus.”

  2. Thanks for sharing your testimony. The Word of God is truly powerful. It is hard to believe until He opens our eyes, but once He does, the Word becomes alive

  3. You have actually described my own life’s journey here, Patty. I could so identify with what you described about your worldly ways, and how everything changed when Jesus came back into your life. (I love the vision you had!) And what better time to share such a wonderful testimony than right before Easter.
    Blessings to you!

    1. Patty Schell says:

      And happy Easter to you.

  4. Heather Bock says:

    I love hearing others’ story about how they came to Jesus. How beautiful yours is! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Patty Schell says:

      I love it too. I always wonder what it this is the story that helps someone meet Jesus.

  5. Kathie says:

    Oh goodness Patty… Beautifully written. Encouraging. Parts are true for me as well…. Thank you for allowing God’s truth to pour through your pen onto paper for others to see Him and your heart.

  6. realmojo68 says:

    God is never out of reach.

    1. Patty Schell says:

      Nope, never, but we sometimes think ourselves unworthy of His attention.

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