Identity Crisis

Of all the people on earth, the LORD your God has chosen you to be his own special treasure.

Deuteronomy 7:6  New Living Translation



“I want what you have,” a friend confessed. After years of being involved in each other’s lives, she had noticed a difference in mine. I was confident and at peace. She said she knew it was the result of having Jesus in my life.

She went on to say it was not organized religion she was seeking. Its flaws had long turned her away from that. There was nothing that was appealing about it to her. It was the relationship she craved. The one I had with Jesus had caught her attention and she wished she could have it too.

Confident and peaceful did not happen overnight. I fought against God for my own agenda. I reasoned with Him about His standards. I doubted. I rebelled. I quit. And through it, God waited patiently for that moment when I would eventually stop struggling and turn to Him. It was then that my life began to transform.

Although the average onlooker could not see that my life was all that bad—I had resources, a family, and even happiness—but, I also knew that it was not the life God desired. I had Jesus in my pocket like a trump card to cheat hell, but my mind and heart lacked His presence. I was tired of living a life shamed by the sin I carried.

What I was missing was Jesus had taken my sin to the grave when He died. I didn’t ask Him to. He just did it. It was a gift I was told. Out of love and desire, He died for me. I was rescued from the fate sin had placed on me. Once I accepted that, Sinner was no longer my identity. A completely new list of names to go by became available to me through my relationship with Him.

Some may wonder then, did I magically quit sinning? Even on my best days, I do not get it right every time. I struggle with doing the right thing like every other human, but because I am now a child of God as John 1:12 says, I can go to my Father for advice and correction without fear of being condemned [Romans 8:1]. I am at peace with God because I have developed a connection that is honest and real with Him, not based on fear or ritual.

Working in women’s ministry, I often see how much women struggle with their identity. Their pasts haunt them, making them feel undesirable and powerless to be anything but what their thoughts whisper. Their lives reflect their attitudes about themselves, and the relationship they should be enjoying with God is distanced and impersonal. Who would want to be involved with someone who couldn’t pull it together anyway? They listen to the lies and punish themselves, forgetting what Jesus did on the cross.

The truth is if we have decided to accept God’s gift of salvation, we are no longer the same. I agree that it takes time to change our minds about things we have thought true, but not impossible. A transformation can take place but it will involve doing some throwing out of the old thoughts and replacing them with some new.

Over the next few weeks and months, I plan to take a look into what God’s own words say about us and our identity in Jesus. My hope is to replace some of the negative self-talk with words taken from Scripture. I’m in this with you. Transformation takes time but is so worth it. In the end, you too will have a peaceful confidence that will draw attention to Jesus.

. . .you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession.

As a result, you can show others the goodness of God,  

for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.

1 Peter 2:9 New Living Translation

Journaling Activity

I am big about writing out scripture. There is something soothing about it to me. It makes me slow down, helping me notice the words and the thoughts behind them. I encourage you to find a journal if you don’t have one already and give it a try. I use a plain old composition book that you can find in the school supplies for a dollar. I also use colored pens because it seems to enliven the text for me.

  • Take the scriptures from this post and write them.
  • Look them up in other translations.
  • Spend time pondering them.
  • Jot down your thoughts.
  • Look up the word treasured.

Is there something that keeps you from believing God treasures you?

Start a conversation by leaving a comment or talking with a friend.

I am praying that each women realizes that she is treasured by God.

11 Comments Add yours

  1. Patty, what a beautiful testimony of the miracle that Jesus does in our hearts when we submit to Him. He clothes us with a beauty that is not of this world, and your friend saw just that. Thank you for linking with us at The Loft this week.

    1. Patty Schell says:

      It is amazing how the garments God places on us make all the difference in others perception of who we are. I pray my life always points to Him as the Giver of Good Gifts. Praise God, for His mercy and grace. Thank you, Leah, for stopping by to chat.

  2. Patty, I love that you suggest looking up scripture, writing it down, and pondering upon it. This is truly the way to allow God to transform our minds.

    1. Patty Schell says:

      Thinking on God’s words certainly has power to reframe the brain. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Wonderful testimony. I loved this: “I am at peace with God because I have developed a connection that is honest and real with Him, not based on fear or ritual.” That’s what it’s about! Linking up with you from the Loft!

    1. Patty Schell says:

      So often, the fear and ritual relationship with God leaves people questioning why they would ever to know Him. Only when they find one that is honest and real, do they understand. I pray more people discover God as He truly is. Thanks for stopping by, Candice.

  4. crickett says:

    Patty, I love the idea of the journal and writing out Scripture. That really helps me to stay focused and to meditate on the Word. Thank you for sharing your journey with the Lord. Great post!

    1. Patty Schell says:

      Oh, me as well. The writing reinforces the words for me. Thanks for dropping in.

  5. Listening to other people’s criticism and taking it to heart can taint our view of ourselves. Some things we may need to change, but unwarranted criticism we shouldn’t allow to define us. God defines who we are like you talked about–loved, valued, treasured.

  6. Patty Schell says:

    We need to respond to God’s words about us with trust. Thanks, Katy, for stopping by.

  7. Kathie Harbottle says:

    This is so spot on! Women struggle, I struggle with who we are in Him. We allow the negative talk of the enemy to drown out the quiet voice, full of unconditional love , reaching out to us, from our heavenly Abbas lips telling us just how loved we are and what He thinks of us! That needs to trump everything!

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