Goodness Overflow

“JAMS, I need you to stop doing that.” “I need you to stop doing that NOW!” “OKAY, I AM COMING TO HELP YOU TO STOP DOING THAT!” I cannot tell you how often I say these exact phrases each day. Life with a curious, intelligent, and confident child can have its challenges as they exercise…

Small Acts of Love

Baby J is ten months old! Where has the time gone? Nearly walking and soon to be running, this little girl has grown in so many ways. She has left her infant status behind. Confidence is emerging along with a spark of adventure as she investigates everything in her view and babbles endlessly about it….

Be Astounded

If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves. Thomas A. Edison I came across this quote one day painted on the wall of an elementary school that bears the name of its author. It’s a very good question. If we just did the things, we were capable of…

March On!

   When they heard the blast of the trumpet, the people gave a great shout, and the wall collapsed.  Joshua 6:20 The siege of Jericho would have been something to see. Can’t you just picture it? Armed forces taking the lead followed by the priests with the Ark of the Covenant hoisted onto their…