Just A Few Words

And So, Begins a New Year At least that is how I feel in September. Summer break is over. (I can’t even believe how fast it has gone.) With the change of the season, another change comes in our family. After a year and a half, we delivered our granddaughter, Hero, to her home and…

More Walking Lessons From Skipper

A couple posts ago in Master Walk, I shared how to walk following the master according to my dog, Skipper. If you read the earlier story, I’m sure you agree he is an experienced follower.  This week, he demonstrated something else about keeping up with the leader that I hadn’t thought of. Skipper and I joined my…

Constant Companions

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger kept ringing in my ears as I climbed up the trail on the side of the mountain. My lungs were screaming for air and I was wishing there was some sort of rescue plan for the desperately out-of-shape, middle-aged woman who had “thought of herself more highly than she ought.”

Oh, The View is Worth It!

Sometimes life has a funny way of flipping on us. One day all seems to be going great and then it knocks us down cold. If you have lived very long you know this to be true. Life is full of ups and downs, hills and valleys. If yours is anything like mine those hills…

Master Walk

Over the years, not all of our dogs have known how to walk with their master.  They viewed their time outside as their own and ran from one really great scent to another, but Skipper is different. When my husband, Paul moves he moves with him.  Skipper keeps him in sight and at times walks so close…

Living Water

Life is wonderful, crazy and messy all at once. To portray it as anything else is just fooling ourselves and everyone around us.  Hope can be found somewhere at the center of everything we live through each day. That is, if Jesus happens to be found there as well. Take my life, for instance. No,…