Stinky Business

When we showed up at the farmhouse a few months ago, the place stunk to high heavens. Skunks had moved in under the house, bringing their unmistakable scent with them. We could barely stand to be in the house. If it hadn’t been that the weather was frigid, we might have set up camp on the porch. Oh, and I should mention it wasn’t just Paul and I, and Baby J “enjoying” the horrible smell that was so bad I had thoughts of burning the house down. It was only a few days until Thanksgiving, and our family had already begun to arrive to celebrate the holiday.

Enter Mike the Trapper. God bless him.

Mike was our hero. He found the problem right away. Rain compromised the skirting around our house earlier in the year, making it easy access for our stinky friends. With a couple of traps and a few stories from his past experiences, Mike solved the skunk issue, and the smell disappeared. Thank God.

Trapping the skunks, however, would not be a long-term solution to our problem. It was going to take some work on our part to keep it from happening again. Well, when I say our, I mean Paul, but I cheered him on. Paul would have to dig down around the foundation to install a barrier around our home to prevent more animals from burrowing in.

Have you shared this experience?

You are going through life, minding your own business, and you notice a little stink rising from somewhere under “the house.” Your foundation has a hole, and something has found a way into your life. Just a small indiscretion is where it started. You thought nobody would notice, but now a rank smell is starting to spread. If you’re smart, this is when it’s time to call in the Trapper to remove the source.

The Holy Spirit is quite good at showing us where we’ve gone wrong. He will help us capture and remove the culprit and get rid of the stink. But remember that won’t be enough to keep future infestations away. You’re going to have to fix the hole by putting in a barrier. It will take some digging of your own, digging into the Scriptures to lay up a solid defense against any predators, stinky or otherwise.

You can see this in action when you look at the story of when the devil tempted Jesus. Each time the devil tried to talk Jesus into compromising, Jesus answered with Scripture. God’s word worked so well it says, “When the devil was finished all this tempting—with no success, might I add—he left until a more opportune time.” (Luke 4:13) When you have a foundation built and strengthened by God’s word, a more convenient time for the devil will never present itself.

I pray you are not currently experiencing any noxious smells in your life. Just know if you have gotten a whiff of something stinky, others around you probably have smelled it too. Take my advice. Call the Trapper. Let Him help you rid of the varmint and fix any holes in your foundation. Life will smell much sweeter if you do.

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.

1 Timothy 6:17-19

Coming Soon

Keep watching for Easy Cheesy Lasagna that will post in a couple of days. It is sure to cause a very good aroma in your kitchen. In the meantime, check out the other recipes on this sight or maybe another devotion or two. Try What’s That Smell?!, a completely different stinky story. Enjoy the rest of your week. Make your days count. Live life fully. Seize the moments. They are all valuable.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Fantastic analogy, Patty! Yes, we need to delve into the Word daily to keep the stink of the world at bay.
    Blessings to you and yours!

    1. Patty Schell says:

      So true and right now might be the perfect time time work on building up the foundation.

  2. Couldn’t laugh, as I’ve been there my friend. Still, I was pleasantly surprised to learn this was not about your precious Baby J. 🙂 God’s blessings my friend.

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